The clank of the weights, people talking, all you want to do is lift some weights or take a nap on the plane. MEElectronics Sport-Fi M6 Noise Isolating Earphones really isolate noise, so if you are outdoors, you won’t hear cars or voices. These headphones are perfect for people who constantly complain about earphones falling out of their ears, at first look these may seem like they will fall out but lo and behold, there’s some sorcery to how simple and easy it is to wear these and prevent them from falling out. The memory wire really does the trick (Just simply loop them over your ears and bend them tightly against and around your ears). If you know someone that just needs a pair of headphones to run with or jam to then these headphones are the perfect gift under $20. Sometimes you don’t need the expensive things!
MEElectronics Earphones

$18 USD
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